
Related blogs

I just wanted to write a quick post to draw attention to my blogroll on the bottom right hand side of my blog. I have posted links of my favourite anxiety-related blogs that I read on a daily basis. I urge you to check them out as well. Also, if you have a blog that's not listed, or know of a great one that I have missed, please leave me a comment and I will add it. Please feel free to add mine to yours as well. I truly believe that we can help each other get through this. Thanks again for stopping by and reading mine. xo


Doug said...

I just came across your cool blog! I also write about my recovery journey: http://iamlivingwithanxiety.blogspot.com/

Life Works said...

I would like to share the Life Works Community Blog. It gives a source of information and inspiration from some of the leading counselors at Life Works. Topics include: alcohol addiction and drug addiction, eating disorders ( anorexia, bulimia , and compulsive overeating ), depression and anxiety disorders , and compulsive disorders ( sex addiction , love addiction , gambling addiction , and codependency ).